In the world of Indian television, where emotions and drama reign supreme, Doree on COLORS stands out with its unique storyline and empowering themes. As the show enters its second season, it introduces an intense clash between ambition and resilience, power and compassion, through the riveting character dynamics of Doree and Rajnandini. Actress Sreejita De, who plays the formidable antagonist Rajnandini, shares her experience of portraying such a complex role and what makes this show a must-watch.

What Makes Doree Season 2 Special?

Set against the vibrant ghats of Varanasi, Doree isn’t just a family drama; it’s a tale of dreams, entrepreneurship, and empowerment. The second season leaps 14 years ahead, showcasing Doree, a young, driven entrepreneur, determined to elevate her father’s dream of turning bunkars (weavers) into recognized artists.

Her vision of launching a brand called Kaashi-Kala is both inspiring and revolutionary. However, standing in her way is the power-hungry Rajnandini, played by Sreejita De, who will stop at nothing to maintain her supremacy over the handloom empire.

The story beautifully highlights the unbreakable bond of love and trust while challenging societal norms. It’s not just about family by blood but about family forged by heart.

Sreejita De on Portraying Rajnandini

Sreejita De steps into the shoes of Rajnandini, a character defined by her ambition and ruthlessness. But what makes Rajnandini truly captivating is the complexity beneath her cold exterior.

Sreejita says, “Rajnandini is driven by power and a desperate need for control, but beneath that lies deep-rooted fears and insecurities. Playing someone with such emotional extremes is both challenging and thrilling.”

Her preparation for the role involved immersing herself in Rajnandini’s psyche, understanding her insecurities, and portraying her lack of empathy without making her seem one-dimensional.

The Clash Between Doree and Rajnandini
Doree’s entrepreneurial journey is a beacon of hope for the weavers, but it’s also a direct challenge to Rajnandini’s dominance. The conflict between these two strong-willed women forms the crux of the season.

Sreejita explains, “Rajnandini sees Doree’s rise as a threat, not just to her empire but to her identity. Her need to destroy Doree comes from a place of fear, making her actions unpredictable and brutal.”

This clash promises a gripping narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

-Themes That Set Doree 2 Apart

What truly makes Doree Season 2 unique is its focus on themes like:
Women’s empowerment: Doree’s journey as a single mother and entrepreneur breaks stereotypes.
Resilience and legacy: The show portrays the strength of love and values over societal judgment.
Entrepreneurship: Doree’s innovative vision of going digital with her saree business reflects modern aspirations.

Sreejita highlights, “This show isn’t just about family drama; it’s about redefining what it means to be a family and fighting for a legacy built on compassion and justice.”

Behind the Scenes: Sreejita’s Bond with the Team

Working on Doree 2 has been a fulfilling experience for Sreejita. Talking about her co-actors, she shares, “Priyanshi brings so much passion to Doree, and Amar is incredibly supportive. Our camaraderie adds depth to our performances.”

She also describes her collaboration with COLORS as a “homecoming,” expressing gratitude for the creative freedom the channel provides.


A Message for Fans
Sreejita De wraps up with a heartfelt note to fans: “Thank you for showering so much love on Doree. I hope this season inspires you to chase your dreams and stand by your values. Keep supporting us like you always have!”

Why You Should Watch Doree Season 2

With its powerful storyline, layered characters, and themes of empowerment, Doree Season 2 promises to be a compelling watch. Whether it’s Doree’s fight for her dreams or Rajnandini’s desperate struggle to retain power, the show is packed with emotional intensity and inspiration.

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Tune in to COLORS and witness the battle of love, legacy, and ambition unfold in Doree.