The popular TV show Anupamaa featuring Rupali Ganguly, Gaurav Khanna, and Sudhanshu Pandey, continues to captivate audiences with its intriguing plot twists. In the latest episode, Aadhya wakes up thrilled by the birthday decorations but quickly becomes furious upon discovering that Anu was behind the surprise. Her anger leads her to devise a plan to exclude Anu from her birthday celebration. However, it is Shruti who steps in to calm Aadhya down and bring her back to her senses, explaining to Anuj that despite his efforts, Aadhya’s animosity towards Anu remains strong.

In the upcoming episodes, Anu is eagerly preparing for Aadhya’s birthday. When Shruti’s nurse inadvertently informs Aadhya that Anu and her father were responsible for the decorations, Aadhya reacts by destroying the decorations in a fit of rage. This act deeply saddens Anuj, who realizes that Aadhya’s resentment towards Anu is unwavering. Shruti then talks to Aadhya, urging her not to let her anger ruin her special day and explaining the effort Anuj put into making it perfect.


Aadhya eventually apologizes to Anuj, acknowledging her mistake. Anuj expresses his gratitude to Shruti for her understanding and mature handling of the situation. However, Shruti confronts Anuj with the harsh reality that Aadhya’s disdain for Anu is deeply rooted and that Anu’s presence in Aadhya’s life might be detrimental to her mental health. Shruti asserts that she, not Anu, is the mother figure that Aadhya needs for her well-being.


This revelation leaves Anuj pondering over Shruti’s words, recognizing the truth in her statement. Despite his hopes, he must consider that Anu’s involvement in Aadhya’s life might not be the best course of action. As Shruti consistently manages to handle Aadhya’s outbursts and guide her towards better behavior, Anuj begins to see the validity of Shruti’s perspective.

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Anupamaa :

The ongoing tension and emotional drama in Anupamaa keep the viewers engaged, as they eagerly await to see how the relationships between Anuj, Anu, Aadhya, and Shruti will evolve. The upcoming episodes promise to explore these dynamics further, revealing whether Anuj will accept that Anu might not fit into Aadhya’s life and how this realization will affect their family’s future.